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23/10/20 - #BuyDonegalWeekend will provide a timely boost for Donegal businesses


Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council believes that the new #BuyDonegalWeekend campaign, which will be officially launched next week, will provide a timely boost for businesses in Donegal. Speaking ahead of the launch Cllr. Rena Donaghey said ‘’we know this has been a very challenging year for our Donegal businesses and we really want to reach out and help them during this time and #BuyDonegalWeekend will be a very effective way for the Council to be supporting businesses and encouraging people to buy some wonderful Donegal products and services currently available on the market and many of which will make great gifts for Christmas.’’


There have been various supports available to businesses across Donegal including Trading Online Vouchers from the Local Enterprise Office and Restart Grants available from Donegal County Council.  To date the Council has paid out over €15m to businesses across Donegal and through Trading Online Vouchers many businesses have been able to pivot their businesses and their offerings to providing online sales.


‘’This means that many businesses taking part in this new #BuyDonegalWeekend campaign can sell online, giving them an audience not just within Donegal, but across the globe. We want to help businesses connect with an even bigger audience through #BuyDonegalWeekend and give greater visibility to our wonderful Donegal products and services” added the Cathaoirleach.


Garry Martin, Director of Economic Development with Donegal County Council explains “according to figures from the Central Bank Irish consumers spent €16 billion online in 2019. Given events of 2020, it is likely that number will grow significantly this year. Encouragingly from a local business perspective, 53% of consumer spend during Covid-19 has been with Irish SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). With lockdown restrictions once more in place, #BuyDonegalWeekend will provide a great opportunity to drive more online sales for businesses across Donegal”.


#BuyDonegalWeekend will take place from 6-8 November 2020, traditionally the start of the Christmas shopping season and provides an opportunity to buy that special gift for a loved one and give that something extra special from a Donegal business. This year of course will be different where most will have to change their buying habits from in-store to online shopping.

There are a wide and diverse range of businesses involved, from food and drink producers, craft and designers, retailers and many more.


The response to #BuyDonegalWeekend from businesses, media and the public has been positive with the campaign video alone receiving several thousand views through social media, since launch last week.


Taking part in the campaign is easy, simply buy a product or service from a Donegal business during 6-8 November and post a picture of your purchase to social media with the hashtag #BuyDonegalWeekend. This will also help to encourage others to do so.  For a full list of participating businesses and special offers visit and start your shopping list!

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